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Your Authentic Voice

24. Juli 2019 @ 16:00 - 19:00


Das FKK – Feministisches Kunst und Kultur Kollektiv & Queers to the front Booking veranstalten mit Unterstützung durch das Fem*Ref Bielefeld ( gemeinsam einen Workshop mit dem Titel “Your Authentic Voice” und ein Konzert im Anschluss – der Workshop wird geleitet von 3 queeren Künstler*innen aus der USA: Anaís Azul, Rafael Natan und Nora Maynard (Surefire Cure).

Infos zum Workshop “Your Authentic Voice”
Der Workshop wird um 16 Uhr beginnen. Um Anmeldung an wird gebeten. Der Workshop ist offen für alle Menschen, die Priorität liegt aber auf FLINT* (Frauen-Lesben-Inter-Nonbinary-Trans*) Menschen.

Your Authentic Voice
Short description: An exploration of who you are and what you share with community through story, song, and movement. This 3-hour workshop will include exercises in expressive arts, improvisation, songwriting, yoga, and vocal health.
Longer description: What is a sound that only you can make? What are the words that embody what you have to say? How does your story relate to someone else’s? Starting from the framework that everyone is a musician and artist and your presence is an offering to community, this 3-hour artistic retreat will focus on building a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s relationship with others through work in music, movement, visual art, poetry, body awareness, and creation. Special emphasis will be placed on improvisation, songwriting, and yoga as it relates to the human voice. We welcome participants from all artistic disciplines and walks of life. All activities will be opt-in/opt-out.

Hour 1: Interdisciplinary Improvisation with Rafael Natan (They/Them/Theirs)
Based in Boston (USA), oboist, violinist, and songwriter Rafael Natan actively seeks to facilitate discussion about what it might mean to sing/teach a song in someone else’s language and what it might mean to find your own voice without coopting someone else’s. They co-organize the Interdisciplinary performance series Weird Folk Fest , a festival that highlights the work of musicians, artists, organizers, and culture workers who have been overshadowed through systemic cis-white heteronormativity. As an educator, Rafael has toured, taught and recorded with the folk chorus, Northern Harmony, in England, France, Switzerland, and Italy. Additionally, they have been a guest workshop leader at the Ojalá community center in Lliría, Spain. Currently, they teach songwriting in the Boston Public Schools and hold a teaching fellowship with the Boston Children’s Chorus. Rafael holds an MM in Contemporary Improvisation and a BM in oboe performance from New England Conservatory.
Hour 2: Songwriting with Anaís Azul (They/She)

Peruvian first generation immigrant Anaís Azul is a Boston and San Francisco (USA) based singer-songwriter, composer, and teaching artist. Azul writes music that is in conversation with jazz harmony, classical melodies, and Latin American singer-songwriter traditions. Their songs are bilingual (Spanish and English) and about mental health, queerness, facing harsh realities in the world we live in and finding inner peace in spite of chaos. Formerly of diaspora pop band Cathartic Conundrum , Azul currently tours and performs as a solo artist, with Petting Kazoo , and as an ensemble member of social justice choir Voices21c . Described as “stunningly honest and vulnerable,” her artistry engages with music as a tool for community building, cross-genre collaboration, and collective healing.

More info at:
Hour 3: YogaVoice with Surefire Cure (They/She)
USA-Midwestern transplant Surefire Cure, MM, CYVT-in-training, is a versatile vocalist & violinist, putting down roots as a performer & teacher in the Boston area. They are the founder and director the WholeTone Music Academy, a teaching collective that focuses on blending mind-body modalities and mindfulness into music lessons. Their own songs demonstrate an eternal love affair with rich chord changes & effervescent folk vocal harmonies.

Surefire Cure has been developing a dynamic teaching style since 2009, and is currently studying for a certification in YogaVoice with Mark Moliterno. They feel called to bring the experience of social music-making back into community and family life. Surefire Cure grew up singing and playing everything from Elton John to Bach with their family. Whether you seek dramatic coaching to polish and refresh your operatic repertoire, are a karaoke connoisseur, are looking to the voice as an avenue for personal healing, or are just trying to sing for the first time, Surefire Cure will work with you to open up the joyful thriving energy to be found in your authentic voice.”

Im Anschluss spielen die Künstler*innen dann ein Konzert um 20.30, zu dem ihr natürlch herzlich eingeladen seid zu bleiben. (Anaís Azul) (Petting Kazoo)

Workshop “Your Authentic Voice”: 16 Uhr
Konzert: 20.30 Uhr

Das Kulturhaus ist barrierefrei zugänglich, hat aber leider keine barrierefreien Toiletten.
Es wird Unisex-Toiletten geben.
Das Konzert ist für alle Geschlechter geöffnet.


24. Juli 2019
16:00 - 19:00

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